Your skin is your armour, which is why it is super important to take good care of it!
Just as eating fresh vegetables from the farmer’s market is much better for your body than eating canned vegetables, natural products made in small batches are better as opposed to mass-manufactured- anything.
All good things come in small doses. Small batch production is a process where products are created in specific groups and smaller quantities. During the manufacturing process, we complete each step in its entirety before we proceed with preparation for the next one.
The ingredients used in our small-batch skincare, Kanpeki, are entirely natural, making the products safe for you, the earth, and the environment. Here are a few pointers on why it’s also vital for achieving effective results on skin health-
1. Flexibility: Small batch production allows more flexibility and creativity. If we try a new version of a certain ingredient and decide that it simply works better than the one, we had been using, we can simply swap it out in the next batch.
2. Greater Quality Control: At Kanpeki, we know exactly what goes into all our products, and what are the benefits of each ingredient. Our products don’t sit in a manufacturing assembly line on machines, or dozens of people assembling an unchanging recipe. We are very selective in our blends.
3. Maximum Potency: Another benefit of a small batch is that the products are well taken care of before they get into the hands of customers. We keep our products in protected spaces. They don’t go through commercial transportation, sit in hot storage, or are exposed to extreme temperatures.
At Kanpeki, we believe beauty is inseparable from overall health, we are more in touch with our products as all of these little modifications are only possible in small batch production–are in the consumers’ best interest. The products might not always look identical, but they will always get better!
Our finished products don't have to spend months or years on shelves before they reach a consumer and we don’t need to use excess preservatives to make our products last longer. Smaller batches are made frequently, allowing the products to always be fresh, natural, and good for your skin.
It’s simply the best way to treat your skin - give it everything fresh!
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