“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”
At Kanpeki, we hold natural ingredients in high regards. There are many, in fact, that have been with us for centuries and have been actively used to boost skin health.
There’s no single ingredient, however powerful or extraordinary, that can tend to absolutely all needs of varied skin types and people. It’s the synergistic combination of certain ingredients that delivers the most comprehensive results.
What we mean by ‘synergy’ is the interaction and cooperation of all ingredients to produce the ultimate impact, to improve the skin health.
A concoction of very specific skincare ingredients curated mindfully could be considered an art because certain combinations of skincare ingredients just simply work better when put together.
Staying true to Japanese skincare practices, our ‘Wholistic 7’ are hand-picked to offer a complete solution for new age skin concerns that work wonders for the skin. Here’s a breakdown of each of these ingredients:
Carica papaya Fruit
Common Name: Papaya
This tropical fruit helps remove dead skin cells to get rid of clogged pores and prevent acne while making your skin plump & dewy. It is enriched with rejuvenating enzymes that exfoliate and cleanse your skin for a luminous look.
Parmelia perlata Lichen
Common Name: Stone Flower
Stone Flower, bestowed with profuse antioxidants, is anti-inflammatory and has antimicrobial traits. It is used as a softening and soothing agent to relieve dryness and irritation of the skin.
Benincasa hispida Fruit
Common Name: Ash Gourd
Ash gourd has inherent content of the soothing Vitamin E, that is an antixidant elixir. This fruit dissolves makeup and acts like a magnet, lifting dirt and grime off your skin while helping speed up cell regeneration for a skin that's radiant and smooth.
Aloe barbadensis Leaf Juice
Common Name: Aloe Vera
The aloe vera gel has a cooling effect on the skin as it supports the skin’s self-healing powers, and is a great anti-inflammatory. It contains antioxidants, enzymes, Vitamins A and C that moisturize and soften the skin, leaving it dewy & refreshed.
Zingiber officinale Rhizome
Common Name: Ginger
Because of its toning and antioxidant properties, ginger can reduce the appearance of scars. It not only fights skin-damaging free radicals, but also promotes skin renewal for smooth and glowing skin.
Althaea officinalis Root
Common Name: Marshmallow Root
Marshmallow Root provides instant hydration and also continuously works to improve the skin's ability to retain moisture. High in starch, it effectively soothes irritation and relieves inflammation, that might work wonders for dry skin.
Hibiscus sabdariffa Root
Common name: Roselle
This flower encourages an all-rounded radiant complexion. A rather gentle mode of exfoliation, Roselle helps reduce hyperpigmentation with its natural acids that help purify skin by breaking down dead skin, increasing cell turnover & even controlling acne breakouts.
Designed to elevate the very core of your skincare routine, the way these ingredients interact and support each other in the formula gives it its potency. A thorough, well-controlled interaction of quality ingredients through natural fermentation processes, in a temperature-controlled environment is where every ounce of nutrition from these ingredients is captured in optimal ratios, while pure oils of the highest grade further amplify the performance of the blends.
Undoubtedly these ingredients are instrumental for achieving good skin health as they work dynamically in unison with your various skin needs.
But nothing beats a diligently followed skincare routine. Don’t fall for the “skincare trick of the month” or “the nicest colored packaging” trap. It’s fundamentally synergy, consistency, and quality that matter in the long term and combining the right ingredients is the key to maximizing the benefits we get from our skincare routine!
Our entire product range is available on Amazon.in - Kanpeki Amazon Store
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